Friday, February 15, 2013


I have known for quite some time that every time you fill out a captcha you were helping digitize old texts.  I was never sure how this worked, but this TED talk lays it all out.  Also it presents an awesome new way to learn a language.  Can't wait to see this happen.  I love the idea of crowdsourcing and how it can make the world a much better place.  Check it out.


  1. I really hate doing captcha's. For instance, when you are on Facebook for a very long period of time, they make you do one for every single thing that you do. But then again I see where they are coming from, because I also know that if you get hacked you comment on all your friends pictures and that really isn't cool at all. So then again I should thank captchas..they are just sometimes a real pain in the neck.

  2. I have never had an experience with captcha's that i know of.I have had Facebook things like what Tayma was talking about and they are really annoying

  3. I don't think that I have had any experience with captchas that I can recall. I have had those things on Facebook that Tayma is talking about and I hate them.

  4. Hmm I didn't know that those were called captcha's. But I have to fill them out for these blogs every time I post. He has been my favorite TED speaker so far. He keeps things interesting and he helped create them. But they are very annoying, even though they are helpful.


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