Friday, October 2, 2015

Multipotentialites Unite!

"It is rarely a waste of time to pursue something you are drawn to, even if you end up quitting." I love what she has to say and think all students should hear this. There is no reason everyone should be expected to find just one thing and spend a lifetime on it. If you are drawn to multiple things, by all means pursue them and see where they take you.


  1. First of all, I like the word multipotentialite. I think this is a good word that can describe a lot of people in the world. I also think that a lot of people should listen to her and embrace their inner wiring. I too sometimes get a little anxious when people would ask me about school and where I wanted to go, or what I would want to do. I have more of it figured out now, but there is still some things that make me a little nervous. As she said society likes it when we have one thing we can do and that is what we do. If you are someone who has more than interest, you need to follow both of them because you never know what new ideas or what people you could end up helping. Don't forget, doing what you love and following your dreams is not always a waste of time.

  2. I love this. It reminds me so much of myself because so often do I get bored, and want to move onto something different. I am constantly worried about my job. I just today, found out i got accepted into my school of choice. only 15 students get into this technical school and I got the chance to get in. I am super excited form my future to start. I am constantly worried that I am going to get going on this job in this school, and end up not liking my job. I was then told that in the medical field, I could change very easily. I am very excited for my future and pursuing my dreams

  3. So glad both of you saw this. I think it will become more relevant as time passes. My generation has had far more career switches than my parents, and I would expect your generation to have even more. I think the days of picking a single job and working it your entire life are over for the majority of people. What we do with that will have a huge effect on how we stay globally competitive.

  4. I think that this was a really good video for people who were described it. There are many people that I know that are interested in many things but don't know which one to choose. I think that more people should show who they really are and embrace their inner wiring.

  5. It really shows me that people who are wired to do many things can do it, it's just that people in our society see this and think that something is wrong with them, I know that I am one of those people who are wired for one thing, and that is something medical, I've always seen myself as doing that, but, I understand the struggling feeling of the multipotentialites.

  6. This shows me that even when you are interested in many things that your life doesn't have to base around that one thing, It is important to give those interests a try, sometimes, for some people it may be a little to much to handle but sometimes you just need to embrace what you are learning and using if you enjoy it. I have many interests in my life right now and it would be easy if i could use them all as a future career.


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