Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Lunch Lady - Our Hero

I love this! There is so much truth, here I can't even begin. Watch the video!



  1. This is so true. We do not appreciate our lunch ladies and men. WE need to better appreciate our lunch ladies and men because they give us the fuel to better engage our minds to do well in school. Our lunch ladies and men also do more than just cook. They help teach, and do the unthinkable. We need to better appreciate them.

  2. I really enjoyed watching this video, because it made me step back and think do I tell Lisa and Coach Klute thank you for preparing this meal every day, and not just preparing but cleaning up after us? I know some people might think it would be silly to celebrate lunch lady super hero day but I think it would be a great way to tell them thank you for all they do for our school. I loved the idea of planting flowers in a milk carton and coloring a picture on the front. I think the little thoughtful things go along way.


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