Friday, September 27, 2013

Very Cool

My little brother posted this video the other day.  I was super impressed.  I would love to know more about how they made the video.  It would be fascinating to see how the images were projected onto the screens and also how the screens were programmed to move.  Most definitely worth the 5 minutes.


  1. I wonder how they do that, perhaps a green-screen? I'm guessing this took a white to make, considering they never really re-used the effects. That would be neat to attempt to make something like that in class.

  2. That was awesome. I think that this took years of planning an millions of dollars. This would be an awesome project for people who like things like this

  3. I wonder if we made one like this or tried to make ne if it would be is cool as it was

  4. I feel like this would take several years of planning and a very good knowledge of computer technology. One person could not have done this. It had to be a very well trained of computer technologists that put this together. It probably cost a lot of time and money, but the outcome was definitely worth it.

  5. This definitely was not something that a guy just tinkered with in his free time. It had to of been worked at for a long time diligently and with the help of many people with great computer skills and great patience. It definitely gives you something to think about in technology with what will be coming in the near future and what people will be planning next.

  6. I feel like this had to have taken many years of precise planning and practice before the actual production of it. I also think that this had to have taken a lot of green screening and precise advanced editing. Very cool and mind bogglingl


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