Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Just watched this TED talk.  What inspires me most is not the simple idea he had to keep the lions away, but that this simple idea changed the lives of so many.  This video is more proof that to be great you don't need to be old, rich, well connected, or any other sort of privileged status.  Instead, you just need to believe in yourself and do your best.  If you do that, greatness will be inevitable.


  1. I watched this video and it is a very good video with a happy ending. Its true you have to believe in yourself and you have to stay strong and know that you can do it and not believe what others say.

  2. It just goes to show that nothing is impossible. You have to believe in yourself and know you can do it before you do it. You can then do it with confidence.

  3. This is so cool. Its so smart of an idea I would of never thought of doing this. This boy is so smart he deserves to go to the best school. This is another example that trial and error can really come into effect and learning from mistakes to fix problems.


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