Tuesday, March 12, 2013

One Second Every Day - Part 2

Yesterday a student showed me an app for capturing one second every day (if you don't know, read the post from Feb. 6 below).  The app is so worth the $.99.   Check it out, and start capturing that video.  You won't regret it!


  1. I have this app and it is a really fun thing because you get to messa round with your video, and get the funniest part of that 10 second clip. and you kind of get a big kick out of the finished video that you make with all the videos. just Imagine what it will be like after 10-40 years!! and plus, it gives you little tips on your videos. like, one year is about 4:00. which i think is col, because you can replay a whole year of your life, a whole 525,000 mintues, in 4 minutes!!

  2. I think that this is an awesome app! So cool what you can do with such a simple app.

  3. I do not have this app but it seems like it would be fun and cool so ill see if i can get it.

  4. Just so everyone knows this student is me. But yes I recommend it. I give it 100%. I die every single time I watch my own video.

  5. Just downloaded it on my ipad, its pretty entertaining!


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